Feb 21, 2014

André Rieu Sold Out Award

Kempten - As part of his Germany tour and on the 15th of February,  André Rieu made ​​a stop in the bigBOX Allgäu venue. Together with his Johann Strauss Orchestra he brought 3500 visitors to Kempten and was pleased to receive the "Sold Out Award" from the hall.

"The waltz is a very important part of my life," André Rieu once said.. "For me it is the way to have a positive outlook on life and to bring my sense of humor to the world," and during his actual concert travels he does performs a waltz repertoire. In addition to the beloved Strauss waltzes and evergreens such as "The Beautiful Blue Danube" or "Dark Eyes", there were also parts in where the soloists performing that evening were able to demonstrate their skills. 

The audience in Kempten thanked the native Dutchman with a standing ovation, while the bigBOX Allgäu team presented André Rieu with the award in the form of an Allgäuer Cowbell.
(The award is given on a regular basis as thanks to artists for the sell-out of the hall). 

Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John for Translating it

1 comment:

  1. Francine Chavanon23 February, 2014

    André reçoit une nouvelle distinction, quoi de plus normal avec son talent et son charisme.Il mérite amplement tous les prix qu'il obtient car sa musique est une source intarissable de bonheur, le public apprécie quel que soit le pays ou il se trouve. Vraiment, un grand bravo à cet immense Maestro et son fantastique orchestre! Francine.
