Dec 7, 2007

A Few Photos From Andre's December 4th Anaheim Concert

Some Photos of The Anaheim Concert December 4th
I don't have time to write about the two concerts I went to in Anaheim and
San Diego for a few days as I have company. I thought you'd rather see pictures anyway! :)
Here's a few that my daughter Heather took at the Anaheim Concert on the 4th of December .... André as always was amazing and I am still on that cloud we all get on after our concerts ... he never disappoints us!! So many fun things happened and will write about them soon!
I can say, Betty and I both got a High Five from André!!
And we got DUMPED on with the Snow!!!! ~ Sue :)

André looking right into Heather's camera POSING for his picture!
Try looking through your lens and seeing THIS looking back at you! :)

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