Jan 27, 2008

Alice's Toronto Video

" Video" of Toronto Concert "Highlights"

See *Alice's Toronto Video with all the Highlights of the concerts in
Toronto on December 14th and 15th ~ it's great!!!


  1. Sue, I'm unable to achieve any result when I click on Alice's picture. I get an enlarged image and there it sits. Is there another clue that I need?
    Help please!!!

  2. Hi Bernadette,

    Click on the link where it says:
    *Alices's Toronto Video under the picture of Schoenbrunn.

    When the page comes up, just click on the little play arrow on the video.

    Sue :)

  3. Thank you so very much Alice. You did a great job and what wonderful memories it brings back! It was a real pleasure to finally meet you also. Hope to see you again.
    Jeanine Ann

  4. Thanks, Sue.
    A 'senior moment' no doubt!!
    Yes, it's obvious to me now. I had decided to have a quick look before I went out this morning and wasn't switched on properly!!! I'm slowly moving out of the 'dinosaur age'with my computer skills.
    I'll have a look at it now.

  5. Thank you, Alice, for sharing your video with us via Ineke and Ruud's site. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing segments of the concert from a different perspective.
    What a treat we have in store for us in December and meanwhile I'll enjoy all of the clips that you kind fans share.
    Cheers to all

  6. Whoa! I was surprised to see the video already here myself too! You folks are fast!! As always, Ineke and Ruud did a wonderful job in putting the video together, and Sue, so efficient in posting this alert in the Parlor with added convenience. I hope fans who have seen it would not worry anymore about having to sit further back with the fronts seats gone!!

  7. Thanks, Alice for sharing your video with us. It brought back wonderful memories of those great concerts. I am glad I was able to meet you in Toronto and hope to see you again sometime!
