Jan 9, 2008

André Signing Autographs in Toronto!

A 20 Second Video Clip Taken by Alice in The Hotel Lobby in Toronto!
It's short, but fun to watch. :)
You can see, he made sure Everyone got an autograph!


  1. I enjoyed this candid little video so much. Thanks for posting it. Since most of us only have the opportunity to see him on stage or TV, it's so nice to know that he's just as witty, gracious and pleasant off stage as well.

  2. First of all, thanks for visting my blog.

    I'm so glad to have found yours.
    What a treat!

    Cute little video.

    Isn't he a darling?


  3. Wonderful little video. So nice to watch over and over again. It may be short but it is definitely sweet!! Thank you

    Jeanine Ann

  4. The girl asking for a card for her cousin in Kathy Camarda, she happened to be in the lobby while her cousin was not. Andre was indeed very gracious. I did get mine. LOL
