Jan 5, 2008

Remember To Vote For André!

André has only 120 votes for this week and is not even close in the top 10!
We want to remind everyone to VOTE for André!!
There are Links on the left of the page here to Vote for him.

So Remember to Vote Everyone!


  1. I'm working at it, Laurie, and have put out a plea for help in the Guest Book.

  2. When you go to the site to vote you put in your email address. What does it say in the box underneath that. I don't know whether to tick it or not as I don't know what it says. Hope you can help and then I will vote. Thanks

  3. Have to run and can't check it out right now, but you can switch the language to English and that helps.
    Will get back to it later.
    Andre need us!

  4. Thanks Laurie
    I did change to English today. That was my problem last year when I tried to vote. I didn't even see that box!!! I wasn't quite so proficient at getting around the computer then --- still have a long way to go but there's nothing like an incentive to set one working!!!
    I've just been back to check the new Hotmail address but there's still nothing there . Perhaps I'll try to vote again.
    It seems stange though as I did get the message that the vote had registered but had to be confirmed.
    Please don't spend too much time with this, as no doubt you have better things to do than give me computer lessons !!!!!!

  5. Hi again,
    I posted a hastily written message in the Guestbook (typo's and all) as we were going to meet our son and family for dinner. As I suggested, go to INFORMATION on Sonja's home page and she has very good instructions on how to vote. You can vote ONCE a day and have to CONFIRM or your vote will not be counted. There are steps, but it gets to be second nature. I also vote for the sopranos, Marjorie and Pierre every day, too.
    With all of Andre's fans around the world, he should be able to win with no difficulty, but he is starting 2008 way, way behind.

