Feb 4, 2008

André Rieu and The Maastricht Salon Orchestra

Salut d'amour

Al Girard sent me this and I thought everyone would like to see it. It's an LP that he bid for on ebay and just got of André with his Maastricht Salon Orchestra.
Autographed by all of them including André!!

It Was Their Second Album, Released in 1983!http://www.hollandrocks.com/jump/bio/bz6809.html


  1. Wow!!! what a wonderful acquisition, Al-
    something to be treasured.
    I also enjoyed the chronological background given on that link. Thanks for sharing.
    Many thanks for adding it to the Parlor, Sue.

  2. Oh dear Al, I'm so happy for you... getting a classic from the 80's. I've always found "Serenata" the most perfect CD to play with my family's black and white home movies. But Salut d'amour was like "THE ONE" piece representing my childhood, so you can imagine how excited and touched I was when I heard (and saw) it again in André's "Dreaming", and he played it twice in the DVD too. Boy! I need to play it tonight!

  3. What a find! Good on you Al - I'm glad it was won by such a genuine fan as yourself. And thanks for putting on here for us to see!

  4. What a fantastic find - congratulations Al, a piece of memorabilia you well and truly deserve, hope it didn't break the bank!!!
    Thanks to Sue for sharing it with us Downunder.
