Feb 19, 2008


A Message From Mirusia

This is an excerpt from Mirusia's Blog she posted today.
I spoke with her and told her many fans don't know about Myspace and it would be nice to post it here on the Harmony Parlor for you to read ...
She loved the idea and hopes you will all log onto her Myspace to see the all things she has on there, including many pictures and music!!

Hello Everyone!

Well it has certainly been a busy last couple of months since Toronto and the launch of Andre Rieu's World Stadium Tour! It was so exciting to be part of this amazing dream of Andre's. When we were rehearsing the show I couldn't help but to shed some tears of emotion for Andre. It was so special to see his dream come true! I was very proud to be a part of the show and very much enjoyed it. And once again was privileged enough to work with my collegues Carmen Monarcha, Suzan Erens, Carla Maffioletti, The Platin Tenors and of course the JSO!

I have had many questions from people asking me how I felt flying up above the stage during 'Concerto Pour Une Voix'. Well, I must tell you it is very fun and I love being right up in the air. The first time they suspended me in the air I just loved it, and I didn't want to come down! It is not scary at all, as long as you don't think about how high you actually are! It is so amazing to see the whole audience from up there! Apparently, in the Rogers Centre I was 50 meters from the ground!

From Mirusia :)

For More of Mirusia's Blog Click On The Link Below:
♦Mirusia's Myspace


  1. Thanks for posting this ,Sue.
    It's lovely to hear from Mirusia . She fits so beautifully into Andre's team. Not only does she have a beautiful voice, but she appears to be a sensitive, compassionate person as well ----a wonderful asset to the Company.


  2. Mirusia did an excellent job in keeping herself up in the air AND singing at the same time, and thanks to the techs and lighting crew, she seemed like a real angel.... But hello?? Not scary at all?? Mirusia, you must be a brave naughty girl or simply have full trust in the crew! You're gooooood!

  3. Wasn't she beautiful Alice? And when she sings I get goosebumps.

    I also noticed in Wonderland,
    when she bit in the apple she
    fell backwards and André caught her ~ THAT is very hard to do too! To fall backwards and trust that person is going to catch you? Not me! ;-)
