Apr 18, 2008

Leo Schofield Interviews André Rieu At His Home in Maastricht

Andre's (Late 2007) Interview With Leo Schofield

I am a little slow in watching this with my trip to Chicago and trying to catch
up on things ... but I just watched both interviews and they are so good!!
I know, all Andre's interviews are good, but for me in this one he really
seemed to explain his passion for music even more so than in other interviews.
Plus ~ another wonderful tour of his Palace and grounds.
I wanted to put this on the front page, because I know things get lost on the
Guestbook, so those of you that didn't see when Ruud posted it in there, this
will bring it to your attention ... They're "Must See" Interviews!!
Click on the link below to see them:

Thanks to Ruud, Ineke and Jann (Australian Site) for bringing us these!

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