Jul 14, 2008

Shop Window Displays of André Rieu in Maastricht

Shop Window Displays of André in Maastricht

In the Maastricht concerts Andre talked about window displays in Maastricht shops, referring to his music. He even discovered a violin in between ladies lingerie!! Andre told us his Stradi was jealous and wanted to be there too.... But severe Andre said: Maybe, when you grow bigger........
After the concert, the fans realized that Andre used to call his Stradi a female friend (because of the shapes)... So what is happening here?
Sue found in Maastricht the Men's Clothing Window where Andre buys his clothes and gets them tailored. We wonder: would the Stradivarius feel happier in the men's store??? ~ Ineke

Kathy, Sonja, Maggie "At Men's Store" Betty, Laurie, Mary Ann

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