Aug 26, 2008

Peggy Sees André Rieu at The Semperoper!

Peggy at The Semper Opera in Dresden Germany

Peggy has written a report of her concert experience in Dresden last weekend. And what an experience she had! :) Here is the link to her story ~

♦Peggy at The Semperoper in Dresden With André


  1. What an incredible experience Peggy! Thanks for taking time to write your story- and thanks, John, for the translation. Too bad your sister isn't a fan - maybe she's changed her mind now? ~Chris T.

  2. Whow! Whoww!! Whowww!!!
    Oh Peggy! What a wonderful unforgettable experience! No large head in front is always good! I know how the heart beat gets faster and faster when one sees the JSO, but lucky you even got to see André AND Marjorie up close for an hour PLUS lots of food at the buffet.... guess you'll be smiling for a long long time :D
    Thanks John!

  3. Thanks Peggy for sharing this experience with us. And thank you John for translating. As I said earlier, Oh, to have been in Dresden last week!!!
    And we will have the opportunity to purchase the DVD later on. Fantastic!


  4. Peggy, your story is phenomenal and you looked absolutely beautiful in your black & white outfit. It was really fit for the occasion. What an experience to be so close to Andre & Majorie and seeing the personal side. He's just like all of us. What about the tenor who is a "Feast for the eyes"? Quite a hunk huh?


  5. Hi Peggy
    so glad you got the ticket for the concert.
    'breakfast with Andre'..!
    WOW !
    Loved reading your memoirs.
