Sep 6, 2008


  1. Happy Birthday Ineke!
    Hope you have fun at your "Castle" and we're looking forward to hearing all about it ... Love, Sue :)

  2. Ineke, van harte gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en een hele gezellige dag met Ruud en kinderenen en ik hoop dat we elkaar nog eens zien in Maastricht.
    Thea Kortekaas en Tiny van Rooijen- Korteaas

  3. Dear Ineke,
    We're happy to celebrate your birthday with you! Wish we could all go to lunch together in honor of your special day. I hope your family spoils you properly. Have a great one! ~Chris T.

  4. Happy Birthday Ineke! And thanks so much for all you do for us. Have a wonderful day.

  5. Happy birthday, Ineke,

    I'm happy to know that you're one of my friends. I'll toast your day with a glass of wine today.

    Al Girard

  6. Bonne FĂȘte Ineke!
    Hope that your day will be very special and memorable!
    Wishing you and Ruud all the best,
    Karen and Claude

  7. Hi friends,
    Thanks a lot for all your good birthday wishes. Our computer broke down at Friday, but we went to Limburg with our children and their partners for the weekend. We enjoyed the Spa (do you call it a Spa?),wellness treatments,floating, swimming, whirl pools, saunas, massages, etc. And later on dining and sleeping in a real historic castle hotel, also in Limburg. Now our computer works again and I'll reply to a lot of mails!!
