Oct 1, 2008

New Interview With André Rieu on Belgium Radio

Interview With André Rieu on Belgium Radio

André Rieu is not giving interviews quite often, but tonight he is here for an exclusive interview. You'll hear André in a different way. We'll talk about his expensive hobby, religion, family, why Marjorie was not immediately welcome in the Rieu family and his plans to conquer South America, etc.

►Click Here To Read Belgium Interview
Thank you to Ineke for this and her and John's translation.
The three photos of André were taken by John at a 2008 Maastricht Soundcheck


  1. After that "Man of the Year 2007" picture taken by Sue in Toronto, maybe we can call this 3-in-1 André "Man of the Year 2008". Thanks soooo much for this special picture. That's the look of André when he contributed 110% preparing for his concerts.
    And I totally agree with Kay about how André openly shares his feelings for Marjorie, it's the sweetest thing they can go shopping together in supermarket.
    But maybe next time even if I see him in hotel, I'll pretend that I don't know him??? Heeheehee!!

  2. I loved these pictures too Alice that John took while André was doing the sound check on the Vrijthof in Maastricht this summer.
    He works so hard at preparing his concerts for us, I wanted to put all three pics in one.

    When he spoke of Marjorie in this interview it brought tears to my eyes ~ how wonderful for her that he sees her that way, and maybe even moreso that he has someone that he loves that deeply. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the emotions he puts into his music.

  3. Hi Sue,
    That is a great interview - thanks. And thanks also to John and Ineke for the translation. What would we do without you?

    Besides his music, what I love about Andre is his love for his wife and family and his willingness to express it.

  4. What a super interview. And I can't thank you enough, Ineke and John, for translating and Sue for posting.
    It was on radio. Did you tape it, Ineke, so you and John could work on the translation later?
    I think I have read it over half a dozen times already. It has so much depth of many aspects of Andre's life and career.
    Those of us that have been privileged to go to Maastricht for the July concerts get glimpses of the affection that Amdre's family enjoy with each other. Makes you appreciate him even more.


  5. What a wonderful interview.
    Thanks so much again.Ineke and John for recording and translating it and sue for posting.
    My respect for Andre grows with each interview.
    The love he openly portays for his wife and family is wonderful to see and his depth of character is so obvious in his loving portrayal of Marjorie.
    Cheers to all

  6. Another comment.
    Regarding that blue jacket. It contains everything Andre needs to communicate with the orchestra, technicians, etc. at soundcheck rehearsals. Those of us that watch through the fences know that serious work is beginning when he changes jackets and slips into the blue one. And he rides the bike to move around the Vrijthof quickly while checking everything out.
    What a perfectionist and how fortunate we are to enjoy wonderful concerts whereever in the world or filming a DVD.


  7. Yes, we thought this was a wonderful interview! We cannot receive Flemish/Belgian Radio2 in the Netherlands. So Gemma's son Peter recorded it for us and Gemma sent us the CD. Isn't that a wonderful co-operation?? I translated and John made it readable American/English. André fan friends are the best!

  8. Me again.
    I wanted to add that I thought André's words were a wonderful contrast to the not so friendly things an Australian reporter wrote about Marjorie.......
    Of course we believe André and we love Marjorie for her support.
