Oct 1, 2008

Live Radio Interview With André on The Internet

A message from Jann Down Under
(Jann's picture on the left)
André will be chatting with Ian Maurice live on Radio 4BC this Thursday night, between 8.00-9.00pm. I thought I would pass this on just in case you are interested in tuning in on the internet. I know for most of you because of the time difference between our countries that the hour for you may not make it palatable, however this way you at least have a choice. I have placed the link below for you.
Time differences: 8.00pm Thursday night in Australia will make it 3.00am Thursday morning on the West Coast USA and 12.00 noon Thursday in Holland. When you get on the page you will see to the right a place to click on ~ Watch Live or Listen Live.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the interview live! You could not see anything else but the interviewer Ian Maurice in the studio, for Andre was coming in by telephone. Andre told there are 12 babies in the orchestra now, 6 under i year and 6 of 1 year old. Kerstin and Nicolle (choir) will bring their baby and a nanny to Australia! His birthday present from Marjorie was a jacket, two shirts and 36 bottles of his favorite white wine.
