Oct 14, 2008

Readers Digest Australia ~ Interviews André Rieu

Reader's Digest Australia Interviews André in Zurich

Dutchman André Rieu has brought classical music to stadiums around the world. And now the “Mel Gibson of the violin” is hitting Australia.

By Paul Van Riessen

Inside the cavernous Hallen Stadium in Zürich, André Rieu is pacing back and forth in his dressing room. His dressing table and his warm rug are in their usual place in front of the sofabed that travels with him everywhere he goes. This way Rieu, 59, can always return to a familiar environment. Even so, he is nervous about the upcoming performance. He will be supported by 50 experienced musicians this evening but knows that all eyes, 7000 pairs, will be mostly on him.

Click Link Below To Read The Very Interesting Full Three Page Article:



  1. Interesting comment by Carmen about playing "Sudoku" during her free time. I bet you that Britteny, Jessica, Modonna and the rest of our American "Pop" singers could not even spell the word "Sudoku". Carmen - intelligent, beautiful and talented!!

  2. Really enjoyed this article. I love the in-depth interviews. Thanks for posting, Sue.
    I agree with the first writer. Carmen is intelligent, beautiful amd talented. Also, very friendly. Just charming....Even if she occasionally wears "clicking" earrings!


  3. I found this a really interesting article and, dare I say it, a little different from the usual.
    The same old chestnuts become boring after a while.
    Thanks for posting, Sue.
