Nov 1, 2008

Update: Vand den Ende ~ "I am in talks with Rieu"

Vand den Ende ~ "I am in talks with Rieu"

Update: Friday, 31 October 2008
By our reporter

Maastricht Theater tycoon Joop van den Ende officially confirmed that he and the Maastricht Orchestra leader, André Rieu are talking about the realization of a new theater in the inner harbour known as "t Bassin." According to his spokesperson, Maarten van Nisten, one should not draw any premature conclusions: Both men are in conference with one another. Often a lot of serious steps have to be taken in order to produce the proper results. Talks about a new theater is considered a long term project.
Van den Ende offered Maastricht theater productions for 200 evenings in a new (2000 seat) theater, but he himself does not want to invest in the construction of said theater.

Thank you for sending this translation John!

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