Feb 2, 2009

Peggy Gets TWO André Rieu Autographs!

"I was so surprised to get TWO Autographs from André!"

The concert last night was great!! André and his orchestra were in a very good mood and they had a lot of fun on stage! The audience in Karlsruhe was also fantastic, so we all had a very nice evening!

After the concert we went to the bus, but we were not the only fans who were waiting for André. About 30 people were there. It was a very cold night and we thought that André would leave the hall in a few minutes, but no way. We waited about an hour and 45 minutes for André! In the meantime some people had gone home and when André came out of the hall, there were only about 10 people among us left waiting for him.

André and Johann came to the fans and he began to give autographs, it was so great to see him! And then it happened! ... André began to autograph the new cards for us! After he gave us the cards, I gave him two pictures that I had taken a few days ago in Duesseldorf :-). Before I gave him the pictures I said to him, "Mr. Rieu I know you haven't much time, but it would be great if you could sign this picture." And he signed it, and one for my girlfriend! I said to him, that I took the picture in Duesseldorf and he said, " Ah okay!" After he gave the autographs I thanked him and he walked to the bus.

André looked right into my eyes when he gave me the autographs and I was very nervous but also very happy!!!

It was one of the best concerts I ever saw and I love the new program! Now I must wait for Maastricht to see André and his orchestra again!

Many greetings from Germany, Peggy


  1. It must to be wondefull to live in Europe and have the opportunity to go to all the concerts...
    I've been waiting for a chance attend one concert and it seems I'll wait for a long time.
    Congratulations Peggy. You are so lucky!

    Adriana - Blumenau/Brazil

  2. Hello Peggy
    am thrilled to read your news.. !
    an so pleased you got 2 autographs. I was not so lucky..
    Ciao Adele

  3. Hi Peggy,
    It's wonderful that your long wait for André was worth it. So, were you more nervous this time? or was it the Breakfast Encounter last time??

  4. What a great experience, Peggy! Wish I could have been there!
    ~Chris T.
