Apr 30, 2009

Photos of André Rieu At His Newark New Jersey Concert

Mirusia and Carla ~ April USA Tour by Siggy

Here is a Link to some pictures that were taken by Chris and Siggy at the Newark NJ Concert. And also some that were taken by Kathy at one of the concerts last week.

►Photos From Chris, Siggy and Kathy


  1. Great to see the photos of the concerts in America. Thanks for sharing.
    Our turn to see André in Australia next week.
    Margaret S

  2. Thanks Chris P. & Kay!

    ~Chris T.

  3. Oops, I mean Kathy!

  4. Chris and Siggy take wonderful pictures, but obviously Eileen, MaryAnn and I didn't know we were being photographed. So solemn. I do enjoy all the pictures, however.
    Kind of sad that these concerts are over. They were outstanding.
    I took pictures in Camden of the baby that Andre danced with in Reading last May. She's a darling little girl now and her father waltzed with her in his arms and her mom had enlarged pictures from last year. Dan Lycan also had her on the side of one of his Reading banners. Hope this year's pictures of her come out.
    Your pictures are great, too Kathy.


  5. Excellent photos!! Thanks Chris, Siggy & Kathy. I think André was looking right at the camera when they were playing Amazing Grace. Wouldn't it be great if he would autograph the pictures taken of him and the baby last year...what a momento that would be!
