Jul 19, 2009

André Rieu Put On a Stamp in The Netherlands!

The André Rieu Booklet of Nine Stamps in The Netherlands

On July 13, 2009 the Dutch TNT Post issued a Booklet with nine stamps dedicated to the 30 Year Jubilee of André Rieu. Many of us that were in Maastricht were at the postoffice first thing Monday morning to get our books. For those of you that couldn't be there and would like to get them, Ineke and Ruud have added the instructions on their site. They have also scanned each page of the booklet and translated what it says. It's a beautiful little book the stamps came in and what a great job Ineke and Ruud did presenting it in English for us. Go to www.andrerieu-movies.com/Andre_Stampbooklet.html to see it!

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