Aug 9, 2009

Carmen Monarcha's Upcoming CD "By Myself"

" Carmen Monarcha "

I got a sweet letter from Carmen, and in it she talked about her new CD and said that it will be released in a big shop in Brazil on November 29th ~ she is calling it, "By Myself ".

She also said, but don't worry, because at the same time it will be available on her Website (the link is on the left side of The Parlor) and she will be delivering it anywhere in the world to people who want to order it from there ... she added, "And I hope there are some!! :-)"

I'm sure Carmen will find there are MANY who will want to order it!! Here is the link to her Website, and again it is also on the left side of The Parlor and will remain there. Something else to look forward to now ~ a CD by Carmen!!! ... Sue :)


  1. I already heard Carmen singing in Portuguese and believe it's a wondefull CD.
    Can't wait to have it.
    Beijos mil, Carmen.


  2. Carmen: muy buena noticia lo del tan esperado CD tuyo. Estoy seguro que sera un exito y que lo grabaras con tu maravillosa voz. Muchas felicitaciones. Un fuerte abrazo y un beso.

    Enrique Setaro, Miami, FL
