Oct 21, 2009

André Rieu Fan Atop Sydney Harbor Bridge

Jim Morgan Conquers The Sydney Harbor Bridge!

We see a lot of reviews of André's Concerts referring to his Audiences as, the "Senior" group, the "60 and Older Group", the "Geriatric Group" and oh yes, my favorite ~ the "Blue Rinse" group! They say it as if they were all a bad thing.

Well here's to show that we may not be "Twenty Something's" any more, or even Thirty Something's, but that does not mean we're sitting at home knitting, or sitting on the couch watching Game Shows. We won't tell Jim's age ... but he's not "Thirty Something!!" Good for you Jim!!

Jim and Ruth are touring Australia with John and Bobbie and having a great time doing it as you can see ... and yes Kay, he IS going to The Rock! :)


  1. Way to go Jim!!! Looks like you're having a ball! "The rock" is next??

  2. Well done Jim.. I won't have the courage..
    you into the bungie jumping also ??

  3. GO JIM GO *******

    We of the "middle-age group & many years younger " are proud of you. I do know your age....so why is everyone surprised that such a young person could conquer that bridge.
    I hope that Ruth was right there,,,,cheering you on !!!


  4. -HHHHHHAAAAAAA!!! (that's a gasp, negative "ha")
    Oh, no, no, no! Did he jump? Don't think I could do that - I had trouble painting the vaulted ceiling in my house :-\. I'm impressed, Jim!

  5. Congratulations, Jim. Like Chris, we're impressed!!
    Remember Ruud and Ineke did that last year.
    On our visit 20 years ago, I don't think we realized that climbling it was allowed.
    We brought home a bunch of pictures of the construction, etc.
    Laurie and Noel

  6. Good onya Jim. for conquering The Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was a pleasure meeting you and Ruth on Sunday in Newcastle. Enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia.

  7. Good for you Jim. You are braver than I would be. Looks like you and Ruth are having a wonderful time!!

