Oct 26, 2009

André Rieu in Auckland New Zealand

Reuben Just Saw His First Two André Concerts in NZ!

We just had a marvelous time at our concerts!! It was absolutely wonderful! I took quite a few photos, and have just published them along with a report on my site. This has to be one of my favourite photos, I just had to attach it, Mirusia has the most cheeky smile. We're all calming down now as the long weekend draws to a close. Cheers, Reuben

Click here to read ... ►Reuben's Auckland Report and Lots of Photos!


  1. Thanks for posting, Sue! We've been anxious to hear something from New Zealand!

  2. Hi Reuben,
    I loved to read your story and to see your pictures!!

  3. Glad you went to two nights and not just one, Reuben! Now you have something reeeaaally wonderful to look back!

  4. Hi Reuben, I enjoyed the read, and seeing your photos - good one !!! Just had a listen to Mirusia singing Pokarekareana, how special was that!!! maybe Andre will play Now is the Hour next year eh??? that would also be fantastic. Liz and I just back to Perth this morning so lots to catch up on yet.
