Oct 11, 2009

Jean-Philippe Rieu's Book "Marie" For Children

Jean-Philippe Rieu's Book "Marie" For Children

The Limburger October 12, 2009
André Rieu's brother, Jean-Philippe Rieu has written a children's book called "Marie". Marie is the name of a Fairy, who experiences a lot of adventures in a Dreamworld. Jean-Philippe said he always told stories to his children at bedtime and now he has written them down. He has added a feel good DVD with filmed illustrations in the book (created by Mark Janssen) and on it he tells the story live, accompanied by his beautiful piano music. Next year he will release the book in the USA and Canada and then later in the Scandinavian countries.

There will also be a Maastricht version, called "Merie", on which he'll present a performance for school children. He did try-outs at a primary school in Eijsden (the town in Limburg where he lives) and the children were so enthusiastic that he's going to perform in 40 more schools in Limburg. He said, "I want all the children to meet Marie and let them discover what beauty is by showing them soft music, texts and drawings. That is a lot better than the programs for children that are being shown on television now."

Note from Ineke: Isn't it wonderful?? Another one of the Rieu family creating a Dreamworld?? Andre can read the book to his grandchildren!

Jean-Philippe's Website (also in English) is: www.jp-rieu.com. Thank you to Ineke for translating and sending this to us.

1 comment:

  1. It IS very wonderful, Ineke! The Rieu brothers are so talented and kind-hearted. What a lovely gift for the children..and parents!
