Nov 20, 2009

André Rieu again says, "One Time I Want To Play On The Moon."


This is a Magazine that is issued in the Arnhem area where André is going to give his two Christmas Concerts at the 'Gelredome' in December. He is on the Cover of the Magazine and inside there is an interview which says in big letters:

"Ik wil ooit een keer op de maan spelen"

The interview is very nice, but most of it is what André has said many times before, so I took just a few of the questions that were a little different and translated them from the article. ~ Ineke

Question: Do you also have hysterical women after you, just like the Rock Stars do?
"No, I have male and female fans who behave very well. I admire them, because sometimes they wait a long time for me after a concert just to get an autograph, even when the weather is bad."

Question: Besides being an excellent Musician, you are also an Entertainer. Have you always been an Entertainer?
"I don't see myself as an Entertainer. I am a Musician who wants to make classical music accessible for a large audience and I do that in my own way. I don't stand with my back to the audience, I talk to them and I joke a little. That makes the atmosphere more relaxed than in traditional classical concerts. I like to surprise my audience. That is probably what you call entertainment, but in the end, it is all about the music."

Question: You compare playing the violin with a relationship to some one you love very much. But every relationship has it's ups and downs. Do you also have that with your violin?
"No, that is the only difference. We never argue and we always love each other."

Question: In the beginning the JSO had 12 members and at present there are over 50. Critics say that the Big Show around you is responsible for your success and you should more or less disappear to the background.
"I don't think so. We have success because we make the Classical Music accessable for large audiences and the larger the audience, the bigger halls we need and with more musicians.The wonderful thing about my orchestra is that we feel like a big family, and we have fun together on stage. That's part of our success, for that is what the audience hears and sees."

Thank You Ineke

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