Dec 9, 2009

André Rieu at Royal Gala Photo

"The stunningly stage filling 50 piece André Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra brought gasps as they revealed how this huge stage can be utilised for occasions such as this."

Thanks to Chris T. for the Heads Up! ©Photo by Ken McKay


  1. WHOW! WHOW! And now I can relate the "Stunning" part in that review. Very very nice!

  2. How beautiful it must have looked Alice after they sat and watched all the Rock and Pop numbers and then the curtains opened and they saw André and the JSO on that beautiful stage .... WOW!

  3. Can't wait to see it here in NZ. We usually get the Royal Gala performances here, but have no idea when at this stage.Thanks for the review Alice, our honarary Kiwi, because of the Chinese Gooseberry connection. Love you and can't wait to meet you!!!
    Kathy Prater NZ xxxxx

  4. Yes, yes Sue I absolutely agree!!

