Dec 23, 2009

An Interview With André Rieu and His Wife Marjorie

An Interview With André Rieu & His Wife Marjorie
Vara gids: December, 2009

André Rieu (Maastricht 1949) is a violinist and orchestra leader. Marjorie Rieu (Maastricht, 1947) together with André, leads the Rieu Productions Company and recently wrote the book "Dreams come True". André and Marjorie have two sons: Marc (31) and Pierre (28).

Marjorie: After a day of work we switch on the TV and relax. When I don't have anything to do anymore it is wonderful to watch TV. And that has nothing to do with getting away from a hectic life, my life is not that hectic at all.
André: Ho, ho, just a minute! You recently finished three books, wasn't that hectic?
Marjorie: Back then, yes, but during that period I didn't watch TV. And then it all depends on what you want to watch, whether we watch together or not. When you want to watch your favorite action films, I'll do something else.
André: I love shoot-them-up films. Great!
Marjorie: Those kinds of boy's films.
André: With those kinds of films I'm able to get totally relaxed! And the same with "The Sound of Music". Sorry, I am just an Old Fart, but I adore that film, I can watch it 15, 30, 50 times.
Marjorie: Together we can watch it at least 500 times!
André: And of course I like Matthijs in "De wereld draait door" (As The World Turns) and late at night "Pauw and Witteman". I am touched by people with a passion, drive and zeal, and these men have it! When I see people who go for 100%, that touches me.
Marjorie: Yvon Jaspers has that passion too, it all seems so simple, but it sure is not. Yvon's power is her capability combined with her natural charm.
André: Joris Linssen in "Hello, Goodbye" has it too. When you hear some of the stories he can get out of people in Schiphol airport, I have tears rolling down my face. He has a unique way of combining respect and insolence in his interviews.
Marjorie: If we cannot watch "Hello, goodbye", we record it.
André: Ivo Niehe is a TV genius, he is a master in the making of portraits. A man with emotion. He is honest. People sometimes ask me: "Where does your success come from?" I think it is honesty. Recently I had a part in "Flikken Maastricht"; fortunately I played myself, because I cannot play a role. I don't like reality shows and all those programes where people are sent away or rejected.Television at the expense of people is repulsive. Ultimately for me the most important things are passion, sincerity and authenticity.
Marjorie: And humor. "The Nanny", great!
André: Yes, wonderful and so pleasantly fast. And don't forget" Fawlty Towers" (English comedy about a hotel).
Marjorie: We also like André van Duin. So clever!
André:You almost forgot Dame Edna! Sometimes I wonder why there is so little music on TV, yes on Sunday mornings "Vrije geluiden" is very nice, but that is all. My specials are always broadcast by the TROS, with a lot of viewers. So why not more music on TV? In my younger years we watched "Toppop" with Ad Visser. By the way, I never understood why they dismissed the announcer (female). I am pleading for the return of this announcer. Then you can form a bond. Now it is, tsjak-boom, next program.

About André:
Favorite Book: Dreams come true, by Marjorie.
Newspaper: Definitely not the NRC, who four years ago wrote that I was bankrupt, and with that downgraded themselves to a gossip sheet.
Magazine: Everything available.
Country and City: The Netherlands and Rome.

About Marjorie:
Favorite Book: Buddenbrooks, Thomas Mann.
Newspaper: I don't read newspapers. Love it!
Magazine: Our language, Psychology magazine.
Country and City: Italy and Rome.

Another great Team Effort with John & Ineke translating and Jann and myself burning the "Midnight Oil" and "Telephone Wires!!" :)


  1. Thanks Ineke, John, Sue and Jann for bringing us another A.R. interview. Great that Marjorie is included in many interviews now.
    I am halfway through her new release, "Dreams come true", where you get a sense of her vital role in their collaboration. Lucky for us, he found a gem!!!


  2. If I may say so, Marjorie has fantastic taste in television shows (in her reference to The Nanny). Hehe

    Thanks Sue!

  3. I knew you would like that Reuben!!! ;-)

  4. THANK YOU folks for translating yet another very interesting interview for us. It is nice to have Marjorie's comments along with Andre's. They seem to have likes and dislikes like many people I know.
    Lois L. Australia.
