Dec 17, 2009

Watch André Rieu at The Royal Gala Performance

Thanks to Adele for the heads up!


  1. Wow ~ I don't know what all the other acts were like, but I felt so proud of André and the JSO watching this. How beautiful he made those 7 minutes he had on stage before the Queen ~ Bravo!!!

  2. That has surely won him a place in British hearts - they really seemed to enjoy the performance. Thank you for sharing that with us. Here in NZ we get the Royal Varity Shows but always about 2 years late, so will be looking forward to this years one, with anticipation.

  3. Sorry did not put my name to that last comment. Kathy Prater

  4. Yay! I've been dying to see this! I'd say Andre & his merrymakers did themselves proud! I was wondering if the balloons would come down, but the professional dancers in the aisles were a great touch. I do hope his popularity soars in the UK from this.

  5. Oh God...had to catch my breath when I watched the clip...almost cried. As you said, Sue, curtains opened and what a difference after all the rock/pops for the black-tie audience, not to mention Her Majesty. I bet you André's 7 minutes were the best moments for the noble-look audiences. We're so fortunate to have known André's music long before they did.

  6. Alice, I have to admit it did bring a tear to my eye!! They were just so beautiful weren't they?

    And I noticed after watching it a few times, tha the dancers each took someone from the audience and danced with them towards the end!

    The whole thing was just perfection ~ but then isn't it always? ;-)

  7. What a magnificent performane Andre put on for the Queen. The British should certainly sit up and take notice now!


  8. Just perfect. Wouldn't it have been fun to be in the audience? But then again, having to wade thru so many other "acts" could have gotten tedious. We are fortunate to get them over here to see whole concerts of JSO only.
    As always, thanks for posting.

  9. That was unbelievable - I too felt very proud of Andre and the JSO.
    Without a doubt, Andre's 7 minutes would have been the highlight of the entire program. (not that I am biased - much!!) Congratulations to all involved.
    CheeRIEU from Val (Vic Friendship Group)
