Jan 10, 2010

Photos of André Rieu's 2010 New Year's Day Concert

Click on the Link below to see some photos that Ineke and Hanna took at the New Year's Day Concert in Cologne. The photos of Roos and Little Lowieke are being posted with Roos's permission. A Few Photos of 2010 New Year Concert


  1. Wish I could have been there! Thanks for the great photos & new information!

  2. I see you all had a great time. Nice! And how time flies, very soon little Lowieke would be a bit too heavy for Roos or Tanja to lift!

  3. Yes, Louis Sydney (Lowieke or Lewieke in Limburg dialect) was born during JSO's concert in Sydney, Nov.2008. Ruud and I attended that concert! So in Cologne he was 13 months old, and already walking, but also crawling very quickly! He has wonderful big blue eyes!
