Mar 2, 2010

André Rieu's Concert in Zwickau, Germany (video)

I don't usually put You Tube Video on here, but this is a new one that was just put on and the best Video of André's Concerts I have ever seen taken by a fan. Kerstin, who took the video was sitting to the left of the stage and that angle gave her a perfect view of André through out the concert ... I have never seen video from that angle. And it is very well done!! Kerstin's daugther sang with the "Schwanenschloss Choir" in the 'Earth Song' with Carmen. Click on the Link To Watch Video on You Tube. (You may have to X the Parlor out once you get onto You Tube.)


  1. What a great video! It's interesting to see his facial expressions when he's looking at the orchestra and soloists...a little different than when he faces the audience. At one concert I was sitting to the right of the stage and spent most of the evening looking at the back of his head! Now I know why :) But I'd recognize the back of his head anywhere now! Thanks for finding this and posting it Sue.


  2. Excellent video which gives a different perspective of Andre. Amateur videos are often difficult to watch, but this one is very steady, well-composed and well-edited. Full marks to the videographer.

    Al Girard

  3. It's a great video isn't it Al? And a nice compliment to the woman who took it coming from you!! :)

    I did message with her through You Tube, but don't know if she is totally amature or not. She sure did a wonderful job with taking it and editing it ... Sue :)
