May 18, 2010

André Rieu at The Classical Brit Awards

André Rieu Permorms at The 2010 Classical Brit Awards

It was nice to have some culture on TV for a change. The whole show was a delight, the artists, the songs and the settings. The Royal Albert Hall was packed with the audience waiting in anticipation for the show to start and then like a bolt from the blue the stage is filled with André Rieu and the JSO with a rousing version of the "Radetzky March". The audience loved it and participated with the usual hand clapping filling the hall. This was followed by "Strauss & Co" which has now become an important part of André's Concerts. Again the audience loved it and were swaying in time, with the orchestra really enjoying it just as much, complete with the trombone balancing act, which is now part of the André Tradition.

To me it seemed that André once again brought happiness to the audience with loads of smiling faces. As André says, classical music can be fun. This can only boost the popularity of his forthcoming tour of the UK in September.

On top of all this some of the advertisements were of André Rieu's latest release here of a 4 CD Set of the Australian Concerts.

A brilliant show by all artists, in particular Kiri Te Kanawa and the band of the Coldstream Guards playing "Nimrod" and "The Dambusters March" and André Rieu!! He has London at his feet ... Peter Weeks

Thank you to Jenny Wilkinson for the Award Show Photos


  1. Anonymous19 May, 2010

    Andre and the JSO are on their way to conquering another country.

    Al Girard

  2. Margaret S aka Mother Superior20 May, 2010

    Thanks so much for the update!
