May 21, 2010


André Rieu Will Be on The "Today Show", Wednesday June 16, 2010

It will be perfect to see people waltzing on Rockefeller Plaza. And of course André will want all his fans there to show America their enthusiasm!!! ...

NBC: Fans and visitors are encouraged to come to the Plaza for the live performances. Viewing is on a first-come, first-served basis outside located on 49th Street and Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Fans should arrive before 6 a.m. for the best viewing. (André and JSO will be performing outside the studios)

The Today Show Concert Series Link


  1. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    How fantastic!
    Great that they will be inside. And this is a breakthrough we've been waiting for.

  2. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    P.S. This is Laurie Crowley that just wrote that first message.
    Too excited to think straight.

  3. Laurie, I sent you an email. The way it was worded was confusing and I have changed it now, but André will be performing right outside of the studios on the Plaza. :)

  4. Perhaps Down Under, we may be able to see Andre perform too, as recently Susan Boyle featured in a similar situation and hubby and I watched her during the afternoon on TV in Melbourne.
    We can only hope! (Thanks for the info. Sue)
    cheeRIEU from Val. (Vic. Friendship Group)

  5. Laurie, are you going to try to go?

  6. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    I even forgot what I wrote, Sue, as I have been applying for passes for the OUTDOOR concert. Why don't you change my first message, so people don't get confused.
    NBC states that they will only give three passes per sign-up group.
    As of late, there is no listing for Andre on the concert list, which goes through August. Only Friday concerts listed.
    Kathy Mondello has a link and I'm sure it will be posted when they have confirmed the date for Andre.
    Yes, Chris, I'm planning to go. Will tape it, of course, too.
    So exciting.

  7. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    My daughters and I went to the Today Show a few years ago (don't remember why) and got there at 5 am. We were among the last to get in the fenced in area. There will be many, many tourists waiting to get in regardless of who's performing so be sure to get there early. You know André likes his fans in front!! "We Love André" banners would be nice too!! The cameras like that! ~Kay

  8. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    I'm so excited for you Laurie!! You can bet I will be watching for you in the crowd. Wave a sign or something! It would be great if Dan the Banner Man could be there too with his banners! And I bet Mary Ann will be there too. I will tape it, of course, then I can watch slowly so I don't miss anything!


  9. Yes! Bring Banner Man!! And lots and lots of fans...anyone wants flags I would love to mail you some...or should I seriously think about going there myself and join the gang?? Hmmmm....soooo tempting...

  10. Mary Webster23 May, 2010

    I am from "Down Under" it would be wonderful if we could see it too.
    Very clever Val, CheeRIEU
    Mary, Melbourne.

  11. Lana Campbell23 May, 2010

    Attention all Aussies : Just in case you didn't see my message in the Guest Book ... Aussies who live on the east coast can watch the Today Show on Channel 7 (cities) or Southern Cross (regional), starting around 4.00/4.30am (it varies daily) on the morning after the advertised date (taking into account the time lapse/dateline, etc). Maybe good to check your local TV programs to confirm ... and set your alarm clocks!!!
    CheeRIEU Lana (Tasmania)

  12. Anonymous23 May, 2010

    Hi Eileen, Laurie, Kathy, Ursula, & whomever might be there.....I WILL be there. Guess it will be a nite without sleep. No sense in staying in a hotel, when we will have to in Atlantic City & then Maastricht.
    Oh what we do for our favorite star !!!!!


  13. Anonymous24 May, 2010

    I have no artistic talent, but will try to get my New Jersey granddaughter to help me out. She is an artist and has been to three or four Andre concerts. Maybe she can come, too. Youthful and attractive. I will bring my two "concert scarves" with me.
    And maybe the appearance will fill our concert halls, too. Not sold out so far this year.


  14. Anonymous24 May, 2010

    Hi Alice,
    How absolutely fantastic it would be if you could come to The Today show. With a sign or poster showing how far you came. That would be worth everything to Andre's publicity.
    I will write you directly, but some flags would wonderful.
    Ruth has mailed buttons for us to wear to the Atlantic City concert and I will mail them to anyone that is coming to The Today show. Write me at and we'll work it out.
    And Kay, your comments are a huge help, but I must admit, I'm tired already!!!! It'll be a good kind of tired, won't it? See you at A.C.

