Jun 19, 2010

Some Hightlights of André Rieu's Atlantic City Concert


Mary Ann called me tonight from her hotel room in Atlantic City after the Concert and told me all about it. She said it was fantastic, (of course!) Here are a few 'highlights' that I thought were interesting and some that people have asked questions about.

The first thing she told me that I was so excited to hear is he has brought "Kimmy" with him on tour! For those of you who don't know, she is the South African Soprano that sang at his concerts there. (Ave Maria, The Lullaby and African Dream) Her solo song on this Tour is "Ave Maria". And of course she sings as the third soloist in the songs with Mirusia, Carmen and the Three Tenors ~ Gary, Bela and Thomas.

Mirusia sang one solo and Mary Ann couldn't remember what it was, so any of you that were there maybe you can fill that in for us. She did say that Mirusia has so much power in her voice, more then ever and it was just beautiful. (Update: Kay has told us it was "Memories" from Cats that Mirusia sang.) The Three Tenors had two songs, one of them being Sorrento. There is the Michael Jackson Tribute with André playing "Ben" and Carmen singing "Earth Song". (Carmen does not sing another solo.)

Tanja played her solo! And Manoe played Hava Nagila. Also for so many of you that like it, you'll be glad to know that André and the JSO do play Marina! They also play Adieu in the Encores and he ends the concert with Braham's Lullaby ...

It's not all of it, but it gives you some of the highlights ... the rest can be left to surprise for those of you going to the concerts in the following days .............. THANK YOU Mary Ann

And a reminder note: André's new CD/DVD "Forever Vienna" is for sale at the Concerts at the Merchandise Stand! (It won't be available in our stores until 6/29)

1 comment:

  1. Mirusia sang Memories from Cats. It was absolutely fantastic - almost had me in tears!

    The big blue bus pulled up outside our hotel during the fan dinner - right outside the window where we were eating. You should have seen the people who rushed to look out the window! It was very funny to watch....their timing was perfect!!

    They also paraded through the lobby after the concert with Andre leading the way. There were about 10-12 of us standing there saying goodbye and just talking when they came in. We told Andre thank you for the beautiful concert and he smiled and nodded. Mirusia spoke to us for awhile and asked if she would see us at any other concerts on this tour. All in all, a very special experience.
