Jun 16, 2010

The TODAY Show With André Rieu, Alice and Fans!

André and JSO at The TODAY Show in New York City

I thought I would talk about my New York story from the moment we arrive in NY … wrong! We had a late night flight, taking off Vancouver at 11pm June, 14. Though quite sleepy, I still browsed through the in-flight entertainment. Wondering if there’s any André music … then right on the first page under classical, A (as in André) comes first, and what a nice surprise, there’s the orange CD cover of Forever Vienna, the UK version. Oh! Gotta take a picture of it and show the folks in the Harmony Parlor. Miss flight attendant might have found me a bit strange, as if I had never seen a video screen on the back of the seat. I had to take quite a few pics to get a better one. The meal was more delicious as I played Bolero with my headsets on.

Click on the link below to read the full account of Alice's trip to The TODAY Show with lots of pictures to go with it!! Thank You Alice!!


***A special note here, the Rieu Camp had asked for the "Fans" going to the Today Show to bring Lots of Banners and Flags to support André. A BIG Thank You to Alice for making so many flags and banners for all the fans to wave for André and the 'special' one she made for the 'Harmony Parlor' to represent all of us on here that couldn't make it to NYC ... THANK YOU Alice!! :)


  1. Anonymous16 June, 2010

    Great Story and Great Photos, Alice! Thanks so much for sharing your Big Apple adventures with us. And thanks to Sue for posting this so quickly!


  2. HI Everyone

    Thanks to EVERYONE for pics and videos of the show.Hope you had a great time (of course) Everyone from Oz land thanks you all.

    Alice (Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi)


  3. Hi Alice!!
    Very nice to see you fans with signs and banners. I think Andre and the JSO love it, because it shows appreciation!

  4. What a great report and super photos! How exciting for all of you to witness Andre's big moment. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us. I'm sure they all appreciated the cheers, signs and banners. And how nice for Pierre to be able to spend his first Father's Day with his sweet babies.
