Jun 16, 2010

Watch André Rieu Video of The TODAY Show Appearance!!

Here's TODAY Show Video of André Live This Morning!
Maestro Strikes up ‘Strauss & Co’ June 16: Dutch violinist, composer and conductor, Andre Rieu, performs his signature waltz “Strauss & Co” on the Plaza. Click on link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/36606816/vp/37727638#37727638


  1. I've been watching, and he's really looking great! How long has Linda had that dress? It looks like all the women in the orchestra are having a great hair day! ;-) I keep hoping Matt, Ann and the rest will say more about him. I wonder if Kathie Lee & Hoda will talk about him? I'm looking hard for our friends in the audience, but they flash by the fans too fast! Hope they're having a chance to talk to them and having lots of fun!

  2. Anonymous16 June, 2010

    A very exciting morning, indeed! Like Chris says, he looked very good and so did the orchestra, but couldn't see our friends, the cameras flashed by them so quickly. Did see the nice Harmony Parlor sign though. Thanks, Sue for getting these videos on so quickly!!

  3. Anonymous16 June, 2010

    Thank you Sue for posting this - wow they all looked great and didn't they look like they were having fun, as usual.What a lovely surprise to start my day, especially when I thought I would miss it all. Great work everyone involved. Thank you from New Zealand.

  4. Anonymous16 June, 2010

    It was a wonderful experience being at the Today Show in person. The JSO was completely relaxed & happy. As usual....the weather held up for them. The Maestro was in rare form. You're right...the camera passes over people very quickly...but thank goodness it lingered on the Harmony Parlor sign.
    The whole event was worth it....even though I didn't get any sleep last nite.

