Jul 27, 2010

André Rieu Concert in Chicago 2010

Photos and Story From Bob at His Chicago Concert in June
Nicolle has been my favorite JSO member since the first time I popped in a DVD and settled back to watch. Now don’t get me wrong, I like ALL members of the choir and last year I was lucky enough to meet many of them at a backstage “Meet & Greet” sponsored by PBS, Judith and Vergenie spoke to us at length last year, but for whatever reason, Nicolle has always been my all time favorite. But sadly, Nicolle was not on last year’s tour.
I have to admit that I was pretty nervous when I approached her. Not that I ever look particularly good mind you… but this day was one of my worst. My hair was messed up and I was sunburned and had on a T-shirt from a sports bar. Let’s just say that I was not dressed for success. But none the less I approached her and asked if I could snap a picture and she graciously said I could.
I told her how she was my favorite of ALL performers and I think it was Jennifer Kowalski who suggested that I have my picture taken with Nicolle. I handed over the camera and she did the honors. I thanked Nicolle and Jennifer and then I headed out the door still in a bit of a daze as to what had just occurred. Looking back there were so many questions I wished that I had been able to formulate but I was in such a stupor that I was just glad I didn’t say something really stupid as I have been known to do at times such as this ...
I had this to put on a few weeks ago, but with everything from Maastricht had to wait. Click on the links below to see photos that Bob took and read his whole report!


  1. Congratulations Bob! You managed to write the details even when you're floating high with all Nicolle encounters in mind... :)

  2. Lol, I know why Nicolle is your favourite!
