Jul 17, 2010

André Rieu Fan Picnic 2010 in Maastricht

The 2010 Fan Picnic in Maasricht Friday, July 16
From Al and Ineke: In the Group Photo, most of the fans at the picnic are in it, but some arrived late after the photo was taken. In total we had 44 fans at the Park. For the first time a delegation of 7 from Sweden!! It was a good turn out with it being the second weekend where so many had gone home after being there for the first week. Click on the link to see some of the photos Al and Ineke sent of the Fan Picnic: http://harmonyparlorphotos.blogspot.com/2001_05_01_archive.html#4736077571574303947  


  1. How nice to see so many familiar faces at the picnic. The weather looks much better than last year. Where are the ducks?? Glad to see everyone having a good time!

  2. What a lovely place for a picnic photo!

  3. It was our first time at the picnic.What a lovely idea, and such a great location. Really enjoyed chatting to everyone.
