Jul 3, 2010

Fans Start To Gather in Maastricht for André Rieu Concert

The Fans are starting to gather in Holland now and all dressed in ORANGE!! Here is Ruud and Ineke with Jim and Ruth ... Now, do we say 'Let the Concerts Begin' or 'Let the Games Begin'?!?


  1. Margaret S aka Mother Superior03 July, 2010

    Shouldn't that read "Now let the fun and games begin...."

    Hope everyone obver in Maastricht has a RIEU-lly wonderful and safe time. Be kind to the Aussies!

  2. Anonymous04 July, 2010

    Hi All

    Have a great time in Maastricht. Wishing I was there again. One day


  3. Mrs. Ed, Helen & Richard, Val & Graham (from Vic. Friendship Group)have a wonderful time in Maastricht (how can you not!!) - safe travels and we look forward to seeing photos on your return. Mrs. Ed we will be watching on the 18th July for YOU, so be on your best behaviour!! cheeRIEU from Val & the Victorian gang xx :)
