Jul 9, 2010

New Camera Man at André Rieu Concert in Maastricht!

L1 Television in Maastricht's New Camera Man
Al has sent photos of tonights Concert which I will work on right now posting them. I had to put THIS photo on right away though ... it's Priceless!!! You all recognize Jo Cortenraedt who does all the interviews with André on L1 Television ... but, do you recognize Jo's new Camera Man??? Yep! ~ It's our own Al !! ;-)
Just a little about the location of the picture ~ to the left of them out of the frame, is the entrance to the Vrijthof and to the right of them out of the frame, is the Theater where you always see the pictures of André standing on the steps ...


  1. fantastic photo, i certainly had alaugh. pat

  2. Al, you may be hired by L1 television and stay in Maastricht!!!

  3. Okay Al, WE WANT DETAILS!
    Are we gonna see you in the next L1 program? And...Jo is so cute :)

  4. Go Al! You would make a great cameera man. LOL

  5. Margaret S aka Mother Superior10 July, 2010

    Good for you Al

  6. Some of you may not know that Al IS a Camera Man. He's retired now, but it's what his profession is and he still from time to time does some camera work.

    So having that camera propped on his shoulder comes very natural to him.:)
