Jul 15, 2010

Repairs From Storm on The Vrijthof For André Rieu Concerts

Repairing The Storm Damaged Vrijthof Today
From Al Girard: Crews are working at repairing the storm damaged set on the Vrijthof. Setting the chairs up properly will not be easy, because each chair is numbered, and they have to be individually located and placed in the proper places. Sort of like working on a jigsaw puzzle.
A security guard told me that half of the roof had blown off the stage. The video screens had been lowered in advance of the storm, and they will have to be raised, but that will be easy, since they are on power winches.

Every light fixture on the towers is being examined to make certain that they are secure. Two truckloads of metal rods which are part of the structure have arrived. I have no idea at this stage why they have been brought to the Vrijthof, but I'm sure as the day goes on, we'll learn more.
The desk clerk at the Hotel Du Casque told me that some of the terra cotta tiles had blown off of the hotel roof ... Al Girard


  1. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    Gosh! I guess Clara didn't get enough sausages!! Great reporting, Al!


  2. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    The owner of my hotel told me that the storm caused an estimated 75 million euros damage in Holland.

    Al Girard

  3. I was reading the Dutch News this morning Al and that's what they said ... 75 million euros! That was some storm!!

  4. Anonymous15 July, 2010

    To all in Maastricht,

    When the storm hit.....I was sitting on a homeward bound plane, on the tarmac in Amsterdam. We didn't get as much damage as you did. Just that they couldn't & wouldn't work on the plane during the storm.


  5. There have been problems in Maastricht 2010 with the heat, fire and storm! It seems that the crew have to be versatile and capable people. Bravo!

  6. Anonymous16 July, 2010

    Hi All,
    We enjoyed the most fantastic conerts ever on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (July 9,10 & 11.) The heat was absolutely horrendous, but Andre sure gave us magnificent concerts.
    We left to tour Belgium, Luxumbourg and France on Monday, the 12th, also hot and without airconditiioned hotels (like Maastricht). Weather otherwise fantastic. Wednesday, after touring the magnificent Reims (France) Cathedral, we headed to Brussels. I've never seen blacker skies, reaching right to the ground and we drove through rain cloudbursts. When we neared Brussels, the sun came out. but there were a lot of branches down on the side of the roadz. But not heavy damage.
    I thought that maybe Maastricht had been hit, but was more concerned about MaryAnn flying out of Amsterdam that day.
    I am very jet-lagged and will write MaryAnn after this, but wanted to check out the Guestbook and Parlor, first.

    So fortunate to be able to attend the three concerts. Just magnificent. I"ll write a synopsis a little later.


  7. Anonymous16 July, 2010

    Hi All,
    We enjoyed the most fantastic conerts ever on Friday, Saturday and Sunday (July 9,10 & 11.) The heat was absolutely horrendous, but Andre sure gave us magnificent concerts.
    We left to tour Belgium, Luxumbourg and France on Monday, the 12th, also hot and without airconditiioned hotels (like Maastricht). Weather otherwise fantastic. Wednesday, after touring the magnificent Reims (France) Cathedral, we headed to Brussels. I've never seen blacker skies, reaching right to the ground and we drove through rain cloudbursts. When we neared Brussels, the sun came out. but there were a lot of branches down on the side of the roadz. But not heavy damage.
    I thought that maybe Maastricht had been hit, but was more concerned about MaryAnn flying out of Amsterdam that day.
    I am very jet-lagged and will write MaryAnn after this, but wanted to check out the Guestbook and Parlor, first.

    So fortunate to be able to attend the three concerts. Just magnificent. I"ll write a synopsis a little later.

