Aug 6, 2010

It's hard to believe that the Parlor is THREE Years Old!
Happy Birthday to The Harmony Parlor that was created three years ago on August 7th. And a huge Thank You to all the fans who have contributed to making the Harmony Parlor Number One !! ... Sue and John :)


  1. Happy Birthday Parlor! You are magnificent, my hats off to Sue for keeping it going, John for translations and all who contribute to keep Andre Rieu fans up to date with information on our favorite artist. What a huge job.



  2. Thanks for all the up-to-the-minute fun! We appreciate all that goes into bringing us all the great news. May we enjoy many more "birthdays", together!

  3. Question: Sue, how did you get such a nice birthday cake with exactly 3 candles plus a violin?? Your extra hard work in Photoshop?

  4. A very Happy Birthday to you all at the Parlour, & well deserved. You can now wave good bye to the terrible only improves now...looking forward with everyone else to the troublesome threes, fractious fours & fearless fives, etc! Hope AR & team realize the asset in your Harmony Parlour. Thank you so much, we all appreciate your terrific hard work.

  5. Heartiest congratulations to the Harmony Parlor on its 3rd birthday! I haven't been without it since I discovered André & the JSO nearly 3 years ago. Those of you who work so tirelessly to bring us the information we crave deserve an extra big piece of that delicious-looking birthday cake....but please save a small piece for me :)!

  6. Happy Birthday to the Harmony Parlor - what would we do without you? May the Andre news keep coming!
    cheeRIEU from Val & members of Andre's Victorian Friendship Group

  7. Lana, Tasmania, Australia07 August, 2010

    Many Happy Returns!!!
    I am so impressed by the absolute respect that is shown by all the Harmony Parlor members to and by all the Fans. It is a site to be proud of. Keep up the good work, we all appreciate all that you do.

  8. Dear John and Bobbie and Sue,
    Happy Birthday Parlor! Its always so interesting reading your notes and watching your photos, I really enjoy it.
    Much love, Sigrun

  9. Hi Sue and John,
    Congratulations with the third birthday of your gorgeous Harmony Parlor.It is amazing that it is only three years ago that you started the wonderful news extension of Sonja's translations fan site, called the Harmony Parlor. To me it seems that you have been here for a lifetime. What could we fans do without your most up to date fan website of the world?? Please go on forever!

  10. Now that you mentioned the birthday of your site, I searched for the oldest articles on our movies website and..... we started also three years ago, with the New York roadsoap, in January 2007. So our sites have had a wonderful connection from the beginning and Ruud and I feel very grateful for the close co-operation.

  11. Taking the opportunity to thank Sonja for setting up and running , Sue for the Harmony Parlor, John for the translations, and all those who contribute.
    No mean task Sue, you are always way ahead with the current news re André, the JSO and all things related. It must take an enormous amount of your time, and you deserve an ‘enormous applause’ (as André would say ! ) Sincere thanks for quenching the thrust of all us fans.

  12. Ineke ~ I knew the two sites started around the same time, but wasn't exactly sure when you started yours ... You are 6 months older then the Parlor! So I guess you will have to be his Big Brother!! ;-)

    The combination of our sites has made it a perfect source for all things André, and yes, I hope we can go on forever ... Love, Sue :)

  13. Thank You everyone for your Birthday Wishes for the Parlor!! I hope that everyone will continue to enjoy it for a long time ...

    Sue :)

  14. Technology has moved at a rapid rate over the past few years.In the Harmony Parlor we have people such as Sue & John who are up and ahead of technology.Ineke and Ruud are also part of all this,as are other contributors.This site is superb with all updates - Sue you and your team are to be congratulated for the continuing magnificent work you are doing in this area.We thank you deeply.

  15. Jane from WAust08 August, 2010

    Happy Birthday. I so enjoy all the information you post. It's great to know that someone is able to experience all these wonderful concerts first hand. However it is no less wonderful for those of us who rely on the DVD's.
    Keep up the great work. I really appreciate it.

  16. Happy Birthday, Harmony Parlor! Thank you to Sue, John and all those who do such a good job of working together to bring us everything Andre!


  17. Sue and John have been in touch with Hans Music Spot and they are open for pre-order of "My African Dream" release date 26th August have also posted on FB and Aussie GB for all fans thanks for the heads up John
    Happy Birthday and please keep up all your good work you have no idea how much pleasure you give to fans all over the world
    George,Sue and Connor
