Sep 21, 2010

André Rieu Devastated over Cancelled Concerts


AMSTERDAM - André Rieu carries a heavy burden. The emotional musician still has not recovered from the viral infection which has affected his equilibrium. "My doctors and I are working hard to restore that. They are doing all kinds of research to see if they can accelerate the recovery."
André continues ... "It's really not wise to force myself now. We are again preplanning the tours. I'll be back." In the meantime he has canceled two tours to Australia and Britain.
Son Pierre Rieu: "First thing this morning I went to our financial controller. All fixed costs will continue to be paid. We employ 120 personnel. The plane tickets have been purchased, the hotels have to be paid. It just can not be any other way."
Pierre is pulling his hair out: "Today we all sat down together with the orchestra. This has never happened before. Dad has never been sick. We do not have a handbook in our cabinet where we can see what we should do in cases like this. And you can not tell André that he should go back to work. His health takes priority over everything else. He still suffers from unexpected vertigo attacks."
His son also says that André really would love to go to work and at times really has made an effort. "We already have made some recordings for albums and rehearsed a little. But the fact remains that André's health remains questionable. Last week when he was in a poultry shop, suddenly he had to grab onto a rack or he would have fallen down. Something like that can not happen while you are on a large stage and especially with the pressure of an audience being there. The first performance would have been tomorrow in the massive O2 stadium in London. Dad phoned and said, "I really can not do it. This is so tragic."
In the meantime, Pierre is now busy working this disaster. In Britain and Ireland six shows have been canceled, and for the tours in Australia and New Zealand twelve performances need to be rescheduled. Earlier a performance in Heerenveen and two in the Amsterdam ArenA in the Netherlands had to be canceled.
Pierre says: "We are insured for the costs of construction and things of that nature. But I do not know for example how that works with airline tickets and hotels. In the Netherlands people know us and we were able to make arrangements. For next year we are going to book the same number of rooms and will then receive a big discount for the now unused nights. I think we will pay approximately 140 percent. But for England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand, I am afraid that we have to pay everything. The same goes for the airline tickets."
André's Orchestra Maintains High Hopes
Pierre says, "Everyone here is in permanent employment. We can bear the costs. But of course no one is being jubilant. Our people are also restless. We all are suffering along with André."
If he feels better, the violin virtuoso will resume his work in November in Antwerp.
Article written by Wilma Nanninga and Translated by John


  1. FINALLY some information. Thanks so much for John's work in translating the story, and for Sue providing it for us. I'm sure it's frustrating for Andre and for the entire organization. However, Andre's health is paramount. I wonder where he caught the bug ~~ South Africa?

    I look forward to reading here on the Harmony Parlor that Andre has fully recovered. I'm sure he has the best medical advice.

    And I continue to offer prayers for a speedy and complete recovery.

    Al Girard

  2. Mary Webster21 September, 2010

    Thank you so much for posting this story. As I was reading it I had André's music playing through the computer. I totally agree with Al Girard.


  3. Thank you for keeping us updated on what is happening to Andre, his family and Orchestra. For Andre it is tragic that he cannot resume his hectic schedule but forthright his health is the main priority at this time.

  4. Dear Andre,
    You need to be your own best friend and rest and follow doctors orders.
    I pray for you every day.
    Lots of love,

  5. Yup that's vertigo. Had it for 1 1/2 years and then it went away as suddenly as it arrived. I learned to live with it but then I wasn't on stage in front of 30,000 when it hit. You have to sit down or hold onto something until it passes. I felt the plane travel aggravated it. My sympathy to everyone.

    Virginia Baker

  6. We again would like to ask our readers who write comments to please leave your name.
    We can not accept anonymous entries, and if you happen to have an issue with ticket sellers, this is not the place for that. Please direct your grievance to the proper company.
    Thank you

  7. Thanks for the update and info, and as much as my sympathy lies with anyone suffering ill health , the emphasis seems to be on what financial implications it has had on the Rieu family and associates, my sympathy is with my pensioner mum who travelled to the 02 yesterday to see a concert she had saved hard for, and been so looking forward to seeing, NO SYMPATHY HAS BEEN EXPRESSED TO ANY OF THE FANS FOR THEIR LOSE OR INCONVENIENCE.
    Lisa C.

  8. Lisa,

    I'm sorry for your mother's disappointment, but I think if you read and watch the interviews and news articles, André has said more then once that he is heartbroken because of his fans to have to cancel these concerts.

    The Parlor

  9. The sad thing here is that there has been no coverage of the cancellations in the media in the UK, unlike in Australia and New Zealand. If there had then people like Lisa's mother, who presumably could not be contacted by her ticket supplier, would probably have heard that the tour was not to go ahead.

    I should have been at the Birmingham concert today but learned of the cancellation from Andre's website, and was later contacted by Ticketmaster both by email and telephone. We are all disappointed, but it must be much worse to turn up at the venue and find there is to be no performance.

    However, Andre can't control the fact that he is ill and needs to rest and recuperate before he is able to once again delight us all. We hope and pray that the day won't be too far away and when he does come to the UK we'll give him and the orchestra a wonderful welcome.

