Sep 2, 2010

André Rieu on Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon

‎USA FANS Announcement from André's Facebook: Don't miss the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon this Labor Day Weekend and see a few songs of André's latest special, taped in Maastricht this summer! Never seen on US Television before! (We read from a Rieu source that André would be on between 10 and 11PM Pacific Time, Sunday Night) FOX, NBC, CBS and other Networks will carry it.
Click on the link below to see what station the Telethon will be on in your area: 


  1. It will be interesting to see what songs will be on his segment.

    Al Girard

  2. Darn! I get 4 PBS channels, and not one of them has the telethon scheduled all weekend :\. I'll just have to wait for the reports from our fine Parlor friends :).

  3. Hi Chris

    The MDA Telethon is normally not on PBS. Check the participating stations listing and I believe that in Idaho it will be on chanel 6 from Boise.
    have fun


  4. The Telethon isn't on PBS Stations, it's on FOX, NBC, CBS and other Networks ... check on the link with the article that shows the stations in your area.

    Chris ~ I emailed you your station link. :)

  5. We must have been writing at the same time john! Didn't see your post. ;-)

  6. I remember Andre recorded a short speech for the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon, during the dress rehearsal in Maastricht.

  7. Oh, guess I should have read further... I'll look forward to watching it!

  8. Dear Andre
    ik wense je het aller best
    doe rustig aan want we kunnen je niet missen ik kijk er ieder jaar naar uit ik hoop je tezien en te horren in las vegas in november
    met vriendelijke groeten en dank

  9. according to the time listed it will be onaround 1 to 3 am here in the eastern us so I guess my dvr will b eset for all night because I'd never make it till then
