Sep 22, 2010

André Rieu Wants to Make November 18th His Comeback

Violinist Walking (Strolling) With His Grandchildren

André Rieu has canceled his tours in England, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. A financial blow for the Maastricht Orchestra Leader. He wants to make November 18th his comeback.

Herbal Drinks For André Rieu ...

He receives recipes sent to him for herbal drinks. Fans give him tips to combat the virus in his equilibrium and there are indeed a great number of admirers who would like to establish an emergency fund for André Rieu since he currently can not go on tour with the Johann Strauss Orchestra.

"Cute and heartwarming", says son Pierre Rieu about the many reactions the felled violinist has received from his fans during the last month. "It is wonderful to see how they live along in compassion with André, but that emergency fund is really not necessary."
The Maastricht stand alone violinist has set his sight on November 18th. He then wants to make a comeback on stage in Antwerp. Until that time he will take an absolute necessary rest to recover from the virus that's caused him problems for at least a month.
"He walks with his grandchildren, listens to a little music and we talk much about how this could have happened, " says Pierre Rieu. "It has all been just too much. The decision to cancel the tours was extremely difficult. My father thinks especially about those (fans) who would come to the concerts. For them it is also a disappointment. "
Rieu canceled six appearances in England and Ireland and eleven in Australia and New Zealand. A financial blow for the world famous violinist. Together with the earlier cancellations of Heerenveen and Amsterdam, we are now talking about more than 200,000 sold tickets. Rieu will not receive the box office monies until the concerts have taken place. "That money stays with the ticket sellers in different countries," explains Pierre Rieu. "For certain costs we have insurance policies. The containers with the equipment for the concerts in Australia and New Zealand are already underway. Hotels have been reserved. We would be going to England for the first time. The money for the hotels and airline tickets will certainly not be reimbursed. You pay the entire costs."
According to Pierre Rieu, the company must get past this period as well as can be expected. "It's not all snug and cozy. We have to make do with what we have. But dad will be back. As he improves, he can rehearse again. And be back on stage again."
Written by Peter van de Berg ... Translated by John


  1. Mary Webster22 September, 2010

    For André’s sake I hope his plan comes to fruition and he gets back to doing what he loves – making beautiful music – I wish him the very best and it will be great to hear he is back. Thank you Sue for posting this John for the translation.

  2. Thank you to all for making this information available to us, and especially to Pierre for supplying it.
    Absolutely!! Andre's health is top priority .. I liked to read he is having time with their grandchildren (very precious) and being able to talk it all over between themselves, methinks that's very theraputic .. when the time comes he is feeling strong & quite himself again and up to the journey downunder we will be there in Melbourne & NZ, what a welcome awaits them all !!

    Dee (Perth)

  3. And.. Pierre, please take care too


  4. Sounds like good news. Thousands of fans are looking forward to your return to the stage. Please, Andre, you just concentrate on the things that will restore you to your usual energy and enthusiasm. Although November 18th is a goal for you, it is not as important as taking the time you need to fully recover. You are so loved.
