Sep 30, 2010

A Birthday Surprise For All André Rieu Fans

A Birthday Surprise For All of André's Fans!
Our surprise is on our Website by now! Friday, October 1st is André's Birthday. Take an hour off and have a look! A nice way to spend a full hour thinking of André and wishing him well. All fans around the word will send him love and positive energy to heal ... Ineke


  1. Thanks Ineke, I've not seen this one so will enjoy it very much.


  2. Thank you, Ineke. This is one of my favorite videos since it's the only one where he plays "Meditation."

  3. Dear Ineke and Sue,
    What a lovely surprise for us on Andre's Birthday. I did as suggested and sat back and enjoyed the video immensely. That concert was given well before I knew about Andre so it was a real treat for me.I wonder if Andre would ever re-master that on DVD? Yes, "Meditation" is so beautiful. It's a wonder he hasn't included it again, Kay.
    Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness Ineke and Sue.

    Lois. Melbourne.

  4. Mary Webster30 September, 2010

    Thankyou so much Ineke for putting this concert on. of course it was long before I ever new he existed but had I know of him then I too would have been hooked as you were.
    Mary, Melbourne, Australia

  5. Amazing to see Andre and the JSO looking so much younger. Love them just as much with the grey hairs and a few wrinkles though!

    "Meditation" is one of my favourite pieces and to hear Andre play it was a delight. Thank you Ineke for enabling us to see it.

