Sep 27, 2010

Full Interview With André Rieu's Son Pierre on L1 Television

Interview With Pierre Rieu on L1 Television
In the brief news item from the local Limburg TV station L1 last week, it was mentioned that the full interview with Pierre would be broadcast on Sunday September 26th, 2010.
Click on the Link to see this FULL INTERVIEW by Jo Cortenraedt. on Ruud and Ineke's Movie Site.
Thanks to John for his help in the Translation of this!

1 comment:

  1. Very good to be able to enjoy this interview. The interviewer did seem to write off the UK - yet there are hosts of fans here desperate to see their first live JSO UK concert, so I hope no-one is underestimating the potential of the UK enthusiasm. At least Pierre seemed to understand that, thank goodness. We're longing to welcome Andre and the JSO to our fair shores - just as soon as he is well enough. They will get a welcome to remember...
