Nov 2, 2010

André Rieu To Start Again With Rehearsals!


Maastricht November 1, 2010: On Monday, November 1, André starts again with rehearsals. The Maastricht stand alone violinist has been ill for some time and had to cancel three concerts in the Netherlands because for the first time in his career he was too ill to work. He suffered from a viral infection. On November 18th he will again perform for the first time in the Sports Palace in Antwerp.
November 3, 2010
Due to Rieu's illness several performances had to be canceled. Concerts in the Amsterdam Arena and the Thialf-stadium in Heerenveen were also canceled. These performances will be made up next year. An International Tour through Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand was also postponed. "My doctors and I work hard so that I will be healthy again," said the violinist himself. "They're doing all sorts of tests to determine if my full recovery can be reached as soon as possible. It really does not make much sense to force me now. But the tours we are planning are new and I'll be back."
His son Pierre has ensured that his father is allowing himself the rest he so desperately needs. "My father has worked too hard," said the son of the master violinist. "A virus infection like this only has one chance, and that is when the body is over tired."
PHOTO ON THE RIGHT FROM ANDRÉ'S TWITTER: "Dear Fans, I want to share with you that I feel a lot better. Today we played in the studio for our new mayor!"
Thanks to John for this Great News and the ©Translation of it!!


  1. Wonderful news! Let's hope Andre is sensible and doesn't drive himself to exhaustion again. We want him to be fit ready for his UK tour next year!!


  2. What wonderful news!!! We, Andre's 'extended family' have been so worried about him. My day is so much brighter already.


  3. What a fantastic start to the day with the news that André is starting rehearsals again. I hope his good health continues and he doesn’t push himself too hard, can’t wait for May 11 next year in Melbourne.

  4. Dear, dear Andre & Pierre,
    So pleased to hear that Andre is recovering well. Pierre, you must also take care of yourself, as you work too hard too. You are so like your Papa.
    Love and God's blessings from
    Susan in OZ.
    X X X X X

  5. What wonderful news Andre is beginning rehearsals for his Nov. 18th concert. Let's hope he doesn't overdo it, we want him fit and well for a long time yet! I look forward to continued Andre reports, thanks to Sue, Ineke & Ruud. cheeRIEU from Val
