Mar 26, 2011

A Scary Moment for André Rieu!

Three New Video's on the Movie Site!
Ineke and Ruud have posted three new video's on their site:
► An interview with Mirusia
► André winning the BUMA Export prize for the 6th time!
► An item from 'Boulevard' with a scary moment for André and the JSO!
Click here to watch all three video's:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the new format, I can now watch these on my Mac! The South Africa concerts looked like they were great, I wish I could have been there! Great that André made a CD for Mandela. And who would have thought that Mandela's favorite song was "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"? So touching, it really brought a tear to my eye. The bit with Ali B. in the airport was very funny- waiting for the rap version of the "Second Waltz"! Jennifer Dawson
