Jun 1, 2011

André Rieu in North Korea?

André Rieu Will Only Go to N. Korea When There is Peace
On Kim ll Sung Square there is room for 200,000 viewers
Maastricht June 1, 2011: On Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang, the Maastricht citizens André Rieu and his Orchestra could perform a concert there for 200,000 viewers.Rieu received an invitation to perform from the North Korean Government. Rieu's son Pierre visited the most closed off dictatorship of the world and also looked at several locations." It is extraordinary to suddenly be sitting at the table with these people having a bite to eat," says Pierre Rieu. He revealed this news last week during the next to last episode of "De Wereld Draait Door". (The World Keeps on Going)
In between all the e-mails Rieu receives daily, there was a few months ago, an e-mail from the North Korean Ambassador, with the question if the Waltz King would like to travel to this Communist country. "Pierre wanted to throw it away, but I wanted to act on it. I immediately envisioned having North and South Korea waltzing together," explains André.
Through Gerd Leers, the Rieu's were placed in contact with the proper responsible individuals in the Foreign Affairs Office. Pierre Rieu: "We were immediately warned not to fall for any communist propaganda. Because we cannot forget that the people will be treated to a concert during the day, but will go to bed hungry at night." Son Pierre later flew to Pyongyang and even showed the party bosses a stage design. "They were wildly enthusiastic." Dad André: "We were promised instantly that we could, at the expense of North Korea, fly directly in a private jet aircraft to North Korea. Neither costs nor efforts appeared to be a problem."
Once back in Maastricht, North Korea would e-mail or call daily with the question whether Rieu knew when he was coming or not. André: "I know the exact moment. When North Korea makes peace with South Korea, then we will perform a peace concert on Kim Il Sung Square. And I also let them know that. However, since from that time on, I have not heard a word from Asia." ........ Jurgen Simon
Thanks to Suzy for sending this to us and John for ©Translating it. 


  1. Anonymous01 June, 2011

    Andre & Pierre, this would be the ultimate to celebrate peace in Korea, you have sown the seed.
    You are both truly remarkable gentlemen, with everything you have achieved.
    DaleQ - Victorian Friendship group

  2. Christine Johnson02 June, 2011

    Thank you for the translation of Andre and Pierre's coments to North Korea, I congratulate them both, it would be the best thing for the whole world, as well as the people from both parts of Korea here's hoping it strikes a bell in North Korea.

  3. Anonymous02 June, 2011

    Although it would be a nice event to unite through music and particularly the waltz music because that's what it does, I most admire Andre's stance in his reply. What I felt that Andre was saying, not freedom for one but freedom for all. Andre has a non-political weapon for unity and peace for all peoples and nations. Bravo Andre!


  4. I think it must have been a little scary for Pierre to go to North Korea. I don't know if i would like Andre and his orchestra to go there you never know what could happen. Maybe one day we will have world peace and every one can live in harmony and i really have to wonder if any one really knows what they are fighting about anymore.

  5. Anonymous02 June, 2011

    The New York Philharmonic performed in North Korea in 2008- I saw the concert live on PBS. Many people were against the idea, but Lorin Maazel thought it might open the door a crack. It was very interesting to watch, especially the audience members. Check this link and the comments:
    Jennifer Dawson

  6. Anonymous02 June, 2011

    As I was reading the article I was saying... NO DON'T DO IT, it's way to dangerous for you,the JSO, and all support people, but by the end, when Andre said " when North meets South in peace only then will he consider playing" I was able to exhale. Thank you Mr. Rieu !!!

  7. Well said Dale. I agree with you and all other comments.

    Thanks to everyone for the translation.

    cheeRIEU, Val & DaleQ, Vic F Gp.

  8. Anonymous03 June, 2011

    And in the mean time.. time for another concert in Seoul :-D !

  9. I don't think Andre can work a miricle there it has been going too long between North and South, and neither side is willing to give it ago, what ashame they are missing out on seeing, a Master Entertainer.
