Jun 15, 2011

Four Interested in Buying Rieu's "Schönbrunn"

Four Interested in Buying Rieu's "Schönbrunn"
MAASTRICHT-- Four seriously interested parties have reported to André Rieu and are interested in buying his replica of the Viennese Schönbrunn Castle.
Recently the orchestra leader has placed his decor for sale. How much the world's largest transportable decor in the world (125 meters wide, 35 meters high and 30 meters wide with ballroom, ice rinks and fountains) has to bring in, is not being divulged according to Rob Meijer of the auction company which handles the sale. "But back then, it cost around ten million Euros".
Thanks to Ineke for sending this and John for Translating it.


  1. Anonymous15 June, 2011

    Yes it will fit nicely into my front room. Might have to extend the walls a little and make room for the fountains and ice rinks. Perhaps next door would not mind. Oh but them Debutantes and Debutantese from Vien would give me a right headache. Perhaps I will settle for a picture of it all. Peter Weeks Eastbourne UK

  2. That's good news maybe they will get into a bidding war and he will end up getting more money for it. I hope we will know soon who bought it, maybe a movie company will end up with it. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
