Jul 4, 2011

André Rieu Awarded 'Gold Medal' from Austria

André Awarded 'Gold Medal of Honor' from Austria

VIENNA: Sunday July 3rd 2011 - Marianne Klicka presented the 'Gold Medal of Honor' to André Rieu for his services to the Republic of Austria. The award was presented by the Federal President in the Marble Hall of Belvedere Castle to the worldwide admired musician and waltz performer, André Rieu, as a part of his recordings.
In her presentation, Klicka, with Sir Anthony Hopkins present (the Welsh actor, Oscar winner and waltz lover), said that the very reason the native Dutch Rieu deserves recognition, is because he is an Ambassador for the Music Metropolis of Vienna. He spreads the message of Johann Strauss and the culture of Austria all over the world. The violin virtuoso has played with his musicians worldwide in very large halls, even stadiums, using the backdrop of Schönbrunn Palace in approximate to the original size, along with his orchestra and show elements since 2007. Even ballet dancers of the Viennese Opera appear in these events regularly.

After the presentation, the honored Rieu thanked her on behalf of his Orchestra for this great recognition. For many musicians Vienna is the world capital of music. For him, Viennese music has always played a main role in his life. He and his orchestra have already played the glorious music of Johann Strauss and Lehar everywhere and he promised to continue spreading a lot of joy to the whole world with Vienna and the Viennese Music.
On New Year's Day 1988, Rieu went on tour with his Johann Strauss Orchestra for the first time. The father of two, who himself comes from a musical family has continued to mesmerize his audiences with the familiar waltz and polka tunes all over the world and for several years now has played on a violin made by Antonio Stradivari.
Rieu, due to his popularity and many international successes is referred to as the new "Waltz King". Unusual in his performances, as the conductor of the Johann Strauss Orchestra he always plays his violin facing the audience ... exactly the way Johann Strauss Jr. did in his time.
The honored Rieu had already been awarded three times with the Golden Tuning Fork and the Karl Medal by European media. The 61 year old artist and friend of Charles Moik, who made ​​him famous in Austria, is also sponsoring the Foundation for the project of "Rescue Makes School ".
As a Thank You for the evening in the Belvedere Castle, Rieu played a Waltz that he himself composed called ... "Viennese Party Waltz". He and his Orchestra also played a waltz composed by Sir Anthony Hopkins himself, titled: "And The Waltz Goes On" as part of the DVD recordings ............ Both pieces will be on his new CD.
Thanks to Gisela, Kathi and Suzy for this article and Ineke for Translating it.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Andre just absolutely wonderful and he really deserves The Gold Medal of Honor. He really works hard along with his family and orchestra and his whole crew to bring us all his beautiful music and concerts. I don't think we need to tell you how much you are loved through out the world. Thank you Andre for all the joy you have brought into our lives. Barb
