Jul 18, 2011

André Rieu Maastricht 2011 Concerts

Watching André From Above
Our trip has come to an end. We''ll be winging it back home again tomorrow.
Have lots of pictures and will send them later in the week. Not much time right now since we need to pack and get ready, but wanted to send these last pics.
Concert Saturday we had rain all night, but the atmosphere was superb. No rain last nite and again a super concert ... Liefekes, John and Bobbie (Photos: Mary Ann and Sonja watching from their room above and André and Pierre walking below to the Concert on The Vrijthof)


  1. Havin' some fun! Oooo, does Sonja have a pillow to sit on???

  2. It looks like it was quite windy as you can see Pierre's hair blowing, it's nice to always see Pierre by his fathers side, what a good son he is and we know how proud Andre is of him and also of Marc. The old saying "a son is a son till he takes a wife but a daughter is a daughter the rest of her life," just does not ring true in this day and age, what a wonderful family.

  3. Okay, I recognize everyone and the flag but whose foot was that? Must be sooo relaxing!

  4. Anonymous21 July, 2011

    Alice, that foot belongs to no one other than Sonja. She was being very comfortable on the window ledge.
